Program committee

Andrei Chisfeenk gmbh
Bruno OliveiraUniversity of Hong Kong
Christophe Scholliers chairUniversiteit Gent
Cyrus OmarUniversity of Chicago
David ChristiansenGalois, Inc
Edwin BradyUniversity of St. Andrews
Éric TanterUniversity of Chile
Guido Chari chairDepartamento de Computación, FCEyN, UBA
Guillermo PolitoCNRS, Cristal, UMR 9189, Université de Lille
James NobleVictoria University of Wellington
Jennifer HackettUniversity of Nottingham
Nada AminHarvard University
Robert HirschfeldHasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Germany
Ryan CulpepperNortheastern University
Tom Van CutsemNokia Bell Labs, Belgium